Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Happy and SAFE Halloween Tips

This Halloween, make sure to practice vigilance and safety.

If you plan on having trick-or-treaters come to the house, make sure there is a well lit path for them. And while it's fun to have a good scare on Halloween, be mindful how easily frightened a child can become. You never know how someone will react when they are frightened. If they hurt themselves or someone else, you could be held liable.

If you are taking the kids trick=or-treating, stay close to home. We all hear about those wealthy neighborhoods that give out king sized everything. That's kind of stereotyping when you think about it. Stay in your own neighborhood where you know who's giving your kids candy. Also, make sure you have a flashlight for you and the kids. Reflective tape is also a good measure to keep the kids visible.

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Don't Ride Out The Pain

Jeffrey B. Sexton's Law Firm is a Personal Injury Law Firm serving all of Central Florida for over 15 years. We will work tirelessly to ensure that you are rewarded for the damages you've incurred at the hands of negligence. Be it a dog bite, a slip and fall, a car accident, or something else, if your'e not at fault, then we will work to expose that.

Many people think they have no recourse in certain cases. For example, someone may slip and fall in a grocery store, and then bolt out of there out of embarrassment, leaving groceries behind. Only to get home and realize they had a broken pelvis. Embarrassment can be painful, but that'll go away. A broken pelvis requires much more. Which is why if you do happen to fall, take inventory of why you fell. Sure, humans trip. But sometime we are tripped up... By something or someone that shouldn't be there.

If you or someone you now has sustained an injury due to negligence or even suspected negligence, give us a call today!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Domestic Abuse isn't Always Caught On Camera.

Domestic Abuse is a very serious offense. All too often it goes unreported, unsaid or unnoticed. Years of it can deprive the victim of any sense of self worth and eventually make them succumb to it and feel as if they deserve it.

Nobody deserves to be abused physically, mentally, emotionally. Enduring pain and suffering at the hands of another is wrong in any book. Especially the law.

Recently, NFL running back, Ray Rice, was released from the Baltimore Ravens organization and suspended indefinitely when video was released of him abusing his then girlfriend and now fiancee in an elevator. The problem is, video had already been released. Enough video to show that she was the victim of abuse. How did the NFL react? A four game suspension. When public outcry couldn’t be ignored, NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, reevaluated the NFL’s complacent policy and enacted far harsher penalties for those who commit domestic abuse. Many say that was too little too late.

On Monday, September 9th, it took TMZ releasing the full video to give the public full awareness of what transpired in that elevator. It was disgusting and barbaric. Upon seeing this, the Ravens and the NFL quickly disassociated themselves with Mr. Rice, and his football career (at least in the NFL) is seemingly ended.

While it is good news that the team and the league acted appropriately in the measures they took, on the other hand it’s quite frightening how much was needed for them to act.

It took a gossip site to uncover an all too common truth.

For every Ray Rice case, there are a myriad like it who unfortunately don’t have surveillance tape or curious paparazzi prodding into the story. Many times, it goes unnoticed unless the victim speaks up. Let what happened with this incident be a wake up call. We herald and champion those who play the game we love so much, but domestic abuse is a game ender. Let’s not let dazzling moves and touchdowns skew our moral compass. When we see, hear about, or suspect someone is being abused, we need to speak up. Not just victims, but witnesses too. We shouldn’t have to wait for the replay to act.

If you or someone you know is suffering at the hands of another, be it physical, mental and or emotional abuse, you have someone who will listen. Give us a call today.

Attorney Jeffrey B. Sexton, P.A. 407-293-1144 or 1-888-293-1144

If you are in need of assistance right now, refer to:


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pedestrian Safety

Central Florida is home to some of the most dangerous intersections in Florida for pedestrians. A pedestrian is almost certain to suffer devastating injuries when struck by an automobile. This is a very serious issue that affects all of us. 

Using a crosswalk and looking both ways before crossing the street are only the beginning of safely walking the streets of Central Florida. Call or e-mail us today for a free evaluation of your case.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Are You Up to Date On The Rules of the Road?

Do you know the rules of the road? Most of us learn the rules, get our license at 16 and then forget them like we forget the periodic table of elements.

It never hurts to revisit the rules. They are ever changing and it's likely that if you took your written driving test in the late 80's, you may not be fully aware of changes that have been made.

 So, do yourself a favor. Visit www.dmvflorida.org or www.ntsb.gov or www.flhsmv.gov to refresh and renew your awareness of traffic and safety. It can save your life and others.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Back To School

Back to school time is here. This means traffic increase on the road... Which also means an increase of potential danger.

When crossing streets, remember what Mom told us: "Look both ways and look again." Often times, crosswalks, stop signs and sidewalks create a false barrier of protection. Be vigilant. 

On foot and in transit. If we are all a little more aware of each other, we can prevent senseless accidents.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What Happens When A Dog Attack Occurs On A Rental Property?

When living in an apartment building, neighbors have to be extremely mindful not to infringe on their cohabitants. When residing in an apartment building, certain guidelines and rules are in place to protect not only the owner's property but the tenant's safety and well being. In the event a dog bite occurs on the premises of a rental property, more than one party can be held liable for the damages suffered from an animal attack. If negligence is proven on the part of the dog owner and the property owner then both parties could be held responsible.

Per Florida law, a landlord has a duty to protect its tenants in connection with a vicious dog of which the landlord has knowledge. In White v. Whitworth, 509 So. 2d 378, 380 (Fla. 4th DCA 1987), the court stated:

"A landlord who recognizes and assumes the duty to protect co-tenants from dangerous propensities of a tenant's pet is required to undertake reasonable precautions to protect co-tenants from reasonably foreseeable injury occasioned thereby."

If the lease agreement includes rules which specifically prohibit certain breeds of dogs, the landlord can be held liable for his or her failure to enforce those rules despite knowledge that prohibited dogs reside upon the premises.

If you or a loved one has been attacked by an animal, contact Orlando Personal Injury Attorney Jeffrey Sexton at 888-293-1144 or at www.sextonlaw.com.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Think You Have a Case?

Do you or someone you know think you might have a personal injury case, but aren't sure? Give us a call today. We'll know. A lot of people think they don't have recourse when injured by tripping or falling. The embarrassment factor makes us flee and hide.

You've been walking for a while. Think maybe there was some negligence involved? Wet floor? Lifted board? Unsafe conditions? Falling is embarrassing and painful... But expensive medical bills and loss of physical abilities are far worse. Don't flee, call us.

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Dangers of Florida Roads

Florida roads claim a lot of lives each year. Car accidents can be minor to severe. Nobody wants to be involved in either, but the reality is they happen all too frequently. Be vigilant when driving. Report negligent drivers on the road.

If you are involved in an accident and need representation, you have found Orlando's Jeffrey B. Sexton, PA. Call us today for a consultation. Even the most minor of accidents can add up in cost. You have a friend on your side in Jeffrey B. Sexton, PA.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Animal Attacks Happen All Too Frequently In The State Of Florida

Animal attacks happen all too frequently in the state of Florida.You might expect a serious attack by a pit bull to make headlines. But yellow jackets? Sturgeon? Elephants? Those and more creatures make up the hundreds of incidents recorded in Florida each year.
Now, how do you know when one of those attacks is due to negligence by another person or persons? We generally regard an animal attack as a neighbor's hungry pit bull wondering the streets and snaps at a would be rescuer. But remember where we live. It isn't always Fido doing the biting. Sometimes it's something a little less domestic.
Now, you may be saying to yourself: "If I get attacked by a wild animal, I have no recourse. It's an act of God." Well, God isn't the manager of that golf course you were playing on when an eight foot Gator insisted on playing through. When you told him to wait, he bit you. Luckily you hobbled to your golf cart and evaded death in a 14 mph escape. So now you go to the E.R and you have to tell them an angry gator who refused to wait his turn on the ninth hole, bit you.
What was a gator doing on the ninth hole? You pay dues to that Country Club to golf, not to get bitten. If the staff, security or any other personnel were aware of a gator on their property and failed to report it to game and wildlife, there is major cause for negligence. Anytime someone knowingly overlooks a potential threat to safety and proceeds with business as usual, they are putting people in harm's way. Whether it be a domestic animal or wild, someone let it in or out. Now, if you are doing the backstroke through the swamps in no-man's-land, you're on your own.
Otherwise, call us today for competent attorneys who understand animal attack laws in the state of Florida.

Friday, May 23, 2014

What To Do If You Slip And Fall In Florida

It has now become a bit more difficult to be awarded a claim in a slip-and-fall case in the state of Florida. The old law, which expired June 30th of this year, awarded compensation to a plaintiff who merely proved an accident had taken place. Now, a plaintiff must also prove that the defendant was in fact aware of the dangers of an accident happening and failed to act accordingly.

If a business owner has old, rotted stairs and knew that their structural integrity had been compromised, yet failed to do anything about it, the plaintiff then can be awarded compensation as a result of the business owner's negligence. New stairs and a hand rail would have been the appropriate measures to take, and proving he or she failed to do so will likely shine favorably upon the plaintiff's case.

As a result of the new law, it is more difficult for a plaintiff to be awarded compensation which some say tips the scales of justice in favor of the defendant. An abundance of fraudulent cases have unfortunately made it more difficult for those who have had the unfortunate experience of slipping and falling. One can only hope that there is a surveillance camera near by if a slip should occur. If you sustain an injury, it isn't likely you are going to be in the frame of mind to make note of possible negligence in your surroundings. Get to the emergency room, and then consult Florida Personal Injury Attorney Jeffrey Sexton.

With the new law in place be sure to watch your step and hope someone else is watching your step as well.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What Happens If You Are Partially To Blame For Your Injury?

Okay, so sometimes we as bipeds can be klutzy. Look, when you're standing on two feet you have that much further to fall than our four legged counterparts. Maybe something caught your eye and you forgot to look both ways before crossing the crosswalk not realizing the light said "Don't Walk."

Everything changes if you contributed to your own injuries. Florida has comparative negligence law, which means if you are partially responsible for the incident that caused your injuries, then your potential award at trial is reduced. But don't think because you are partially responsible that you aren't entitled to compensation.

So if you are partially to blame and another person is more than 10 but less than 25 percent at fault, you can only collect up to $200,000. If the other person is between 26 and 50 percent at fault, the most you can collect is $500,000. And if another person is more than 50 percent at fault - but you were also partially at fault - the most you can collect is $1 million.

If you or someone you know has sustained an injury and are uncertain about who's to blame, give us a call. Sometimes we chalk it up to clumsiness and move on not realizing it could very well be a combination of clumsiness and negligence. 

If you have been injured in an accident, contact Orlando Personal Injury Attorney Jeffrey Sexton at 888-293-1144 or at sextonlaw.com to ensure that your rights are protected.

Monday, March 3, 2014

What If More Than One Person Is To Blame For Your Injury?

It isn't always a singular cause or person that is responsible for an injury you may have sustained. For example, if a pet-sitter allows a dog that local officials have already identified as dangerous off a leash, you may have a suit against the pet-sitter and the dog owner. Florida's joint and several liability rules set up a very structured system for dealing with more than one person at fault. Often times in these scenarios, one negligent act led to another.

Any person found to be 10 percent or less at fault will not pay out of pocket for any of your economic losses. Any person found to be more than 10 percent but less than 25 percent at fault will be responsible up to $500,000. Any person between 26 and 50 percent at fault will be responsible for up to $1 million of your damages. And, if a person is found to be more than 50 percent at fault, he or she will owe up to $2 million of your damages.

Another instance may be if you were to trip on a brick that jutted out into the sidewalk from a neighbors yard whose faulty landscapers built, then you are looking at two parties who share responsibility for your injuries. It comes down to cause and effect. In many cases there is more than one cause that has effected you.

If you have been injured, contact Orlando Personal Injury Attorney Jeffrey Sexton at 888-293-1144 or at sextonlaw.com to ensure that your rights are protected.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Medical Errors Are The Third-Leading Cause Of Death In America

In 1999, the Institute of Medicine published the famous "To Err Is Human" report, which dropped a bombshell by reporting that up to 98,000 people a year die because of mistakes by hospital personnel. Astonishingly, those numbers have since more than doubled.

A more recent study published in the Journal of Patient Safety states that the numbers today may be much higher - between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death. That would make medical errors the third-leading cause of death in America, behind heart disease, which is the first, and cancer, which is second.

Don't let the medical field regard you or your family member as collateral damage. Speak up. Medical Malpractice is on the rise. A health scare is something many of us have had to deal with. However, no one should have to worry that the hospital staff could make matters worse due to negligence.

If you or someone you know has sustained injury, disfigurement, or in the worst of cases, death as a result of medical malpractice, contact Orlando Personal Injury Attorney Jeffrey Sexton at 888-293-1144 or at SextonLaw.com to ensure that your rights are protected.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Who To Call If I Have Been Injured In A Car Accident In Florida

With only bus and taxi service for Central Florida’s means of mass transportation, resident and visitors here spend a great deal of time in their automobiles commuting, shopping and for leisure. Unfortunately, large amounts of time in your car increase the likelihood that you may be involved in an automobile crash. Our office is here to help if you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile accident. Jeffrey B. Sexton has been providing assistance to Central Florida residents and visitors since 1993. Our firm is dedicated to those who have been injured, not the insurance companies who represent the negligent driver. Call or e-mail us today for a free evaluation of your case.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who Do I Call After An Accident With A Large Truck In Orlando?

Truck accidents can be particularly devastating to an individual in a passenger vehicle due to the obvious size and weight difference between the car and truck. Allow us to evaluate your car versus truck accident to determine whether such factors as driver fatigue, mechanical failure or any other factor may have played a role in your crash. Contact our office for assistance.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What Do I Do After A Car Accident?

If you have been involved in a car crash that was not your fault, contact our office. Jeff Sexton will personally evaluate the facts surrounding your case and help you navigate your way through the hassles of medical care and expense, lost income and vehicle repair. We will do everything in our power to help you obtain compensation for your injuries and the aggravation and loss of enjoyment of life that often accompanies motor vehicle accidents. Call or e-mail our office today for a free evaluation of your case.